Saturday, July 08, 2006

The power of X

I bought a Mac Mini when I was in NYC. Getting it to work in Norway was very simple. I used the travelers adapter for the power supply, connected a keybord, monitor and mouse, and pushed the power button. Worked like a charm!

OsX is very nice. It seems very solid and stable, and the possiblity of getting a computer virus is empirically much lower than with windows.

The next step is to install a pascal development environment. FreePascal / Lazarus is said to work, but first I need to install Xcode. It seems that it wasn't preinstalled on the machine, but it can be downloaded from Apples website. But to do that I need an AppleId, and I haven't gotten around to that yet. Another option is to develop on Windows with Delphi.Net, and deploy for Mono for the Mac. I have no idea if this is a workable option.

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